Rats In The Neighborhood? How To Keep Them Out Of Your Home

Have you heard neighbors or friends who live nearby complaining about finding rats in their homes? Once rats move into a home or homes nearby, you're much more likely to find them in your own home as they continue to breed and look for new places to nest. Thankfully, there are a few steps you can preemptively take to keep them from invading your house. Cover and move the trash can. [Read More]

Signs Of Pests In A Vacant Home You Are Planning On Moving In To

If you are planning on moving into a new place, then you want to check around the house to make sure you don't get in over your head with regards to a pest infestation. If you do find that the place appears to have a potential pest problem then you should make it a point to get a professional pest control company to come out to take care of any issues before you move your belongings in. [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Know About Aedes Mosquitoes

Aedes mosquitoes, also called yellow fever mosquitoes, are one of the most common types of mosquitoes in the world, and they can cause a lot of problems for you. Here are four things you need to know about Aedes mosquitoes. How do you identify Aedes mosquitoes? Aedes mosquitoes have dark brown to black bodies with white markings. You can also identify them by the presence of their eggs: they lay black, football-shaped eggs on the surface of water sources. [Read More]

When Buzzing Bees Make Your Job Difficult - Removing Yellow Jackets From Your Business Property

If you own a small business, you will want to do whatever possible to keep your employees and customers safe while on the premises. In warmer months, yellow jacket wasps can be a problem if they decide to nest on your property. To keep people safe while on your grounds, these nuisances will need to be removed. Here are a few methods you can use in removing yellow jackets from around your establishment, keeping your clients and coworkers safe from unfortunate stings as a result. [Read More]