Could A Bed Bug "Trap" Be On The Way?

If you've ever suffered from a bed bug infestation, you probably already know about the time, emotional energy, and expense associated with a full-home bed bug treatment. However, there could be a new and improved treatment option on the way. Scientists have recently developed a type of trap that may be able to eliminate bed bugs for good. Read on to learn more about this new invention, as well as what you can do to prevent future bed bugs before it becomes widely available. [Read More]

Removing Mice From Your Heating Ducts

Mice like to use heating and cooling ducts in the home or office as a way to get from one place to the next. Mice will often take refuge in heating ducts after they have stolen food, and in most cases they will eat, urinate and pass feces in these ducts. Sometimes, they die in heating ducts and their decaying carcasses will cause foul odors to emanate from the duct. [Read More]