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5 Indicators To Call The Termite Control Services

Homeowners dread the prospect of termite infestation on their properties. And this fear is well-founded since termites can cause multiple problems, including compromised structural integrity and cracks in walls. To make matters worse, they damage your property stealthily, so you will often fail to notice their presence until they have done considerable harm. However, there are several signs you can look out for when you want to curb a termite infestation problem before it aggravates. To ensure you stop termites in their tracks and get rid of them permanently, engage termite control services on first sight of the following signs.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Some of the common indicators of termite infestation include the following:

1. Hollow-sounding wood

If you hear hollow sounds on what is supposed to be solid wood whenever you tap wooden components in your home, you may have a termite problem. Termites consume wood from the inside and eventually leave a hollow outer shell protecting them from the surrounding environment and conceal their presence. That is one of the main reasons most property owners fail to notice them.

2. Mounds of frass

Boring insects like drywood termites tend to leave powdery refuse known as frass. Frass contains termite excreta and fine particles from perforated wood. They push this refuse out of their tunnels to keep the nest clean and tidy. In a mound, frass slightly resembles a pile of sawdust or pepper. If you see frass on your wooden components, contact termite control services to inspect and exterminate the termites.

3. Swarmers

One of the obvious signs of termite infestation is the presence of swarmers, which are flying termites. Swarmers are termites who have left their nest searching for other mates to start new colonies. You are likely to notice them during rainy seasons. And, since they tend to lose their wings after a short period, you will find piles of discarded wings lying around.

4. Mud tubes

Termites build tubes or tunnels from wood, soil, and their saliva. These tubes serve as connections between above-ground sources of food and the termites residing underground. They also protect termite workers from death by ensuring they get the moisture content needed to survive. Mud tubes hide the termites and allow them to wreak havoc.

5. Soft rattling noises

Soldier termites alert the rest of the colony by knocking their heads against the tunnel walls whenever they detect a disturbance or threat. This mode of communication produces audible rattling noises. Try knocking on any surface you suspect is infested with termites. If they are present, they will sense the vibrations and respond with rattling or clicking noises.

What To Do When You Sight These Signs

Termites are not only a threat to your home but are also hard to exterminate. In many cases, if they are not correctly exterminated, they recur. You need a professional who can take a multi-faceted approach that involves finding the nest and its queen, fumigating, using foams or sprays, and setting up bait stations. Otherwise, if you try quick fixes like dusting using chemicals, you will have the same problem return.

For more information, contact a termite control service like TRS Exterminating.
